These 9 Emails Sold $125k+ in Four Days

These 9 Emails Sold $125k+ in Four Days

​Last week a client of mine pre-launched an online course.

Using 9 emails and a sales page (and a couple other things you'll learn), we sold over $100,000 in four days... for a course that isn't even released yet (they'll get access to at the end of this month). 

I figured I'd share a bit of the behind-the-scenes "how we did it" with you. 

List size: 8,000 people 
"Funnel": email -> sales page -> checkout 
Persuasion principles employed: Urgency, reciprocity, authority, "likability"

  • Wednesday, Email 1: Soft announcement with a little story
  • Wednesday, Email 2: Hard announcement (next four days is your last chance to get in before we raise the price)
  • Thursday, Email 3: Announce Live Q&A
  • Thursday, Email 4: Short email with link to related blog post (blog contained CTA to the course) 
  • Friday, Email 5: Q&A Invite 2
  • Friday, Email 6: Link to Q&A Recording w/ lots of bullets about the questions answered
  • Saturday, Email 7: Today is your last chance reminder
  • Saturday, Email 8: Story-based email w/ reminder about cart close
  • Saturday, Email 9: Final email, last chance

There yah go, my little cub (one of my long-time nicknames is Chen Bear, so because you're on my list you're now my cub).

Here's why the launch worked so well: 

1. I have been emailing the list at least 3x a week for the past 3 months. Getting a few more emails wasn't *so* out of the ordinary. Yes, in almost every email I made an offer for one of their other products.

2. We were offering something the list wanted, not trying to fit a product to a market like many newbie businesses try to do. 

3. We had built-in urgency in the form of a price increase. This was a pre-launch, so we were telling people on the list they had first dibs before we raised the price for the general public.

4. We went live and answered questions. You can see a third of the emails were related to a Q&A. ENGAGE with people! 

5. We made sure that anyone interested in the course, saw it. We weren't afraid to let people know now is the time to buy! 

If you're wondering, "How many unsubscribes did you get?" 

I don't know the exact number, but it was nothing out of the ordinary. We'd generally get 7 or 8 per email, for the entire 9 emails I think we had 40 or so. 

Dunno about you, but I'd take 40 unsubscribes to make 125k. 

That's the power a tiny list can have for you when you're on your email game, engaging with your audience.  

I know other businesses who have lists 10x the size and struggle to hit a 20k launch. 

Ready to tap the rocket fuel hidden in your list? 

Hit the ignition switch here:

Chen "Bear" Lehner
