If You Aren’t Getting The Results You Want, You May Be “Feeding The Wrong Wolf”
There's an old Cherokee story about two wolves.
You may have heard it before. It relates to pretty much everything in your life... from your business, to your personal relationships, to how you relate to yourself.
The story goes something like this:
An old Cherokee grandfather is teaching his grandson about life.
He says to his grandson, "There is a fight going on inside of me."
"It is a terrible fight between two wolves. One is evil... he is my anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, and superiority."
He continues, "The other wolf is good. This wolf is joy, love, peace, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith."
He looks the boy directly in the eye, "The same fight is going on inside of you. The same fight is going on inside of everyone other person, too."
Hearing his grandfather's words, the grandson ponders for a moment then asks, "Which wolf will win?"
The old Cherokee grandfather replies, "The one you feed."
To resist your shadow is to empower it. To resist what you do not wish to see, what you are ashamed of, is to give it power over you.
It is true in your personal life and in your business.
What are you resisting? What do you pray the world never sees?
Those are the things to focus on, not the tactics of the day. I can nearly guarantee you that when you face the shadow and embrace the "negative" side of yourself, you'll get all the things you've wanted.
Don't expect yourself to continuously win all the time 100% of the time.
Do small things every day that help you choose the wolf you feed within yourself. In your business and your personal life. It's the daily habits (like sending a useful, engaging email every day to your subscribers) that build your momentum and bring you results.
Instead of focusing on the fears within, on the thoughts of, "I don't have," start focusing on what you do have.
Find one thing to be grateful for every day and write it down.
If you do, the shadow, "the black wolf" will hide around every corner.
It is the way life forces us to grow... by showing us we cannot hide from the totality of ourselves. We are not beings of pure light, of pure goodness.
Here is a challenge for you:
If your mission is to help others find relationship, write a letter (you don't have to send it) that details exactly how you like to help people break up.
If your mission is to help people get clients online, make a voice memo sharing exactly how you want to swindle people and never help them.
Whatever your mission is, I challenge you to do the opposite. Express the shadow of your longing.
It's like when you fall in love... all you want is to give give give... but you also want to take take take. You want as much of that person as possible.
If you resist either of the desires, you would self-destruct. The relationship would fail.
Acknowledge the "negative." Embrace the shadow.
Let me know how it goes,
Chen "Whoa, didn't know that was in there" Lehner
Persuasion Pirate
I'm doing a similar practice this and next week for my skills with persuasion and copywriting. I realized a while back I was afraid of becoming one of "those nasty marketers" I see online... and that fear was holding me back from my next level. To counteract the fear, a friend/coach of mine challenged me to write a "Shadow Sales Page" using all the nasty persuasion techniques I've learned over the years.
I haven't been able to do it until now... but I'll send you a link and publish it on my site if you wanna see it when I'm done.
Click here to learn how to write emails like this one, I can teach you:
The first lesson: this fight is an eternal fight.
It will not end.
It is a continuous and constant choice you must make every single day. Every single moment. You cannot banish the negative, "shadow" side of yourself. Not in your business or in your life. It will walk with you to the day you die.
Second lesson: momentum is built over time.
Third lesson: similar to the first, do not focus exclusively on feeding your "white wolf."
Persuasion Pirate
I'm doing a similar practice this and next week for my skills with persuasion and copywriting. I realized a while back I was afraid of becoming one of "those nasty marketers" I see online... and that fear was holding me back from my next level. To counteract the fear, a friend/coach of mine challenged me to write a "Shadow Sales Page" using all the nasty persuasion techniques I've learned over the years.
Click here to learn how to write emails like this one, I can teach you: