The Biggest Mistake Coaches Make When Writing Email

The Biggest Mistake Coaches Make When Writing Email

Have you ever had the thought, "Who am I writing to?"

Or felt like you don't even know who the people are on your list? Like you're disconnected from them, out of touch, you're almost afraid to communicate with them because...

...they're a big amorphous mass of people.

This is one of the biggest "mistakes" coaches (and anyone, really) make when writing copy to their list.

They don't take the time to clearly define exactly who they are talking to, exactly who their ideal client is, and exactly what that person is looking for.

Why is ideal client definition important?

1. It focuses your writing.

When you know exactly who you are writing to, down to their favorite songs, your writing becomes hyper focused.

There's no more fluff.


Imagine your granny in your mind. Tell her a story from yesterday.

Now imagine your best friend. Tell them the same story.

How does your language change? Its different, right? Point made.

2. Knowing exactly who you're talking to speeds up your writing.

I was just writing an email for a client this morning. I had forgotten who I was writing to. I sat there for 10 minutes with no clue what to say. But then...

...I caught myself!

I remembered who I was talking to, and realized I needed to do a bit more research into their mindset, wants, and fears. The result?

Email done in 15 minutes.

3. It makes sales.

People buy from people they know, like, and trust. If you don't know who you're talking to, who you're trying to attract, how can you build trust with them, let alone make sales?

You won't!

So, to remedy the "amorphous blob" syndrome:

Do your research.

Get to know your list, ask them questions. Get to know them. If people are not responding to your questions, consider getting polarizing. One of my coaches recently sent an email with the subject: race + the coaching industry - can we talk about it?

Not only is it interesting and relevant, but it's engaging, interesting, and polarizing.

Where are you avoiding touchy subjects? Write an email about it. Take a stance. Put your flag in the ground or share your journey.

Want help getting clients from emails?

Let's talk. Schedule a consult.

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Chen "research pays" Lehner
