December, 2016.
That’s the first time my bank account hit zero. I had work and a place to live… but I let things get out of hand.
I got so stressed out I threw up bile for three nights straight.
I didn’t know what to do.
My body curled up on itself. I didn’t want to tell anyone what was happening.
My friends thought everything was fine. I stopped calling my family so I wouldn’t have to lie and say everything was ok.
My entire life everything was taken care of for me. I’d never run out of money.
But now? My family was hours away. I was alone. It was up to me to fix it. I didn’t want to crawl home to my parents asking for money. “It shouldn’t be like that,” I thought. I’m in my 20s. I need to know how to make money.
So I decided to figure it out. To double down on the one high-income skill I’d been honing for months beforehand: email copywriting.
I made a pact with myself that I’d never let my account hit zero again.
For the next two months I woke up and hand copied emails and sales letters to train my brain. I got my subconscious to understand how to pump out high-converting emails. I learned to write them fast.
Where it used to take me an hour to write a single email…
Now I could write one in minutes.
That was over five years ago.
Since then, I’ve sold over $15,000,000 of products online for myself and my clients… almost entirely through email.
But I ran into a problem. I started having too much work for me to do all on my own.
I needed a way to continue to take on work without burning myself out. So, I started training someone to write for me… and quickly realized they needed guidance.
I sat down and took inventory. I cataloged everything I learned the last five years, and put it all into a course.
A course designed to get someone with little to no experience started writing email copy as quickly as possible.
I created it because I needed a fast way to train new copywriters how to write email copy… because it’s one of the easiest ways to make money online. Even if you’re just starting out.
You might think you can’t, but I know you can.
Because as long as you can send an email to a friend, you can make money writing email copy.
This course will give you the skills, it’s up to you to get the clients (that’s a different course).
Once you begin, you'll receive an email every day for the next 30 days.
Each email will contain a short lesson about how to write emails that make you money.
You'll learn how to write nearly irresistible subject lines. You'll learn the best way to open your emails, so people keep reading to the end. You'll learn what the heck to write about, how to find an endless list of writing ideas, and how to tell compelling stories that make people buy.
The best part is it'll only take you about 25 minutes to an hour each day. I'll share more about how each assignment will work in just a minute.
Before I do, I want you to know my big goal for you.
My goal with this challenge is to teach you how to write an email in 20 minutes or less.
How would you like that?
After selling $15,000,000 worth of products and services through email, I've learned a thing or two about how to write emails that sell.
I'm not trying to brag here. I want you to know why you should pay attention.
The lessons contained in each email will be the condensed lessons I've learned about how to write email copy that converts and how to do it quickly. They’re “battle-tested.” There’s nothing you’ll learn in the next 30 days or so I haven’t personally used.
If you're familiar with the "80/20" principle, in this course, you'll get the "20% that creates 80% of the results." (I'll share more about the 80/20 principle in a later email.)
But here’s the thing, if you want to get results you need to commit.
I’ve made it really, really easy for you to get the results… but you have to do the work. You need to commit to the WHOLE thing. Not just part of it. The whole thing.
If you don’t show up? You aren’t going to get the results. You’re gonna stay stuck. You’ll continue to not make sales.
Now I bet you’re wondering how the assignments are gonna work.
Each assignment is broken down into two parts:
1. 20 Minutes of handwriting
2. 20 Minutes of writing
For the handwriting assignment, all you'll do is get out a legal pad and pen (or pencil), set a timer for 25 minutes, and hand copy the material in the attachment. That's it.
If you can, I recommend you write in cursive. It forces your brain to slow down to the speed your hand moves, which allows you to actually integrate what you’re learning.
If you can’t write in cursive, don’t worry about it. You’ll still get the results by hand writing normally.
After you copy the assignment by hand, you'll have a prompt to write an email for yourself.
That said, I would much rather you write stuff for yourself or write an email that's going to get published than hand write anything.
The fastest way to get better at writing copy is to have an idea, write it, publish it, and check the results. You can handwrite forever, but if you don't hit the 'ol "Publish" button? You aren't going to learn what works.
So, if you don't have time to handwrite? Skip it.
At the very least read the email I send you, read the handwriting assignment, and then write something for yourself. That’ll take you 30 minutes max.
How to write effective marketing emails in 20 minutes or less
The “#1 Rule” to follow whenever writing emails (or ANY kind of copy)
How NOT to write to sound like a stuck-up prick nobody wants to buy from
3 unconscious psychological triggers nearly guaranteed to boost engagement and sales when you use them in your email copy
What never to do at the end of your emails
The fastest way to increase your writing speed
Why you never want to be vague when citing numbers and statistics
How to attract, magnetize, and draw closer people eager to buy from you (while repelling “anit-christ” customers)
How to create your own authentic voice so the person you are in writing is the same you are in person
The 7 key ingredients to your authentic voice
3 subject line principles everyone writing email copy needs to know so their emails don’t get ignored
9 different ways to write subject lines people can’t help but read and open
11 ways to write emails that keep your list drooling for more
The two different types of calls to action (and when to use each one to generate the most sales)
Chen helped create and implement a marketing strategy that helped grow our email list by 42% without us having to pay a cent for ads.
Not only that, his emails averaged a 42% open rate, a 29% click through rate, and an 8% purchase rate for those new subscribers (who had never heard of us before).
With his strategy consulting and copywriting services we increased subscribers for our recurring, paid subscription by 35% in two weeks, have had the largest attendance to our paid online workshops I've ever seen with an increase of 100% workshop attendance, and hit our highest revenue month ever.
When we spoke about my webinar, I was struggling with getting my ideas together... and now I feel empowered to do webinars where before I would avoid them like the plague.
After using his emails, sales page, and video script I got a 5% purchase rate for an in-person event.
[Chen Lehner] was the "lynchpin" I needed for success.
Because of his empathetic nature and background in human psychology and personal development, he's got what it takes to connect and understand the toughest prospects...
I would highly recommend him to anyone considering hiring him...
I wish there was a like button for your emails. They're funny and charming and human and I'm getting really good tips! They're really helpful and also fun to read. You're literally answering the questions I already had. It's like mind reading. Brilliant.
I learned so much about email in just 20 minutes on your webinar!
Let’s say it takes you an average of an hour to write an email. Maybe it takes you longer, maybe you’re faster.
And let’s say you send about one email a week.
There are 52 weeks in a year so you send an average of about 52 emails a year (you’re consistent). That’s 52 hours spent writing emails.
And, let’s say your time is worth $50 an hour. So, 52 hours spend writing email times $50 an hour is $2,600.
Now, let’s say this Challenge speeds up your writing time by only 15 minutes. You save 15 minutes per email (I fully believe you’ll get more time back than that) and spend 39 hours next year writing emails.
That means the 15 minutes saved you $650 over the course of the year.
And that’s if you get half the results I expect you’ll get… and you don’t do any other money-making activity with those extra 15 minutes.
Or what if you make more per hour on average? What if you send more emails than that?
The minutes you save writing your email are minutes you can spend doing whatever you want. Making an extra cup of coffee, responding to DMs from clients, doing yoga… whatever.
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